Watchtower January 1, 1924
par 24
For the encouragement of the faithful workers in
the field we take this occasion to say that the records in
our office show that during the last year the classes which
have followed explicitly instructions and suggestions sent
out from time to time by the SOCIETY, have obtained the
best results and the workers have received the greater
blessings. This is exactly as we should expect it. If we
believe the Lord is directing his work in an organized
manner, then what else could we expect than that he
would direct his work in the sales of literature and books
in a harmonious manner? We hope during the year to
see every consecrated one engaged in some part of the
service work, giving what time each can. We urge upon
the classes, in harmony with the Apostle's admonition,
that every class and every one in every class do show
forth the same diligence to observe the prescribed rules
for pushing the Lord's work and to do everything in
their power to further the interests of the kingdom that
is at hand.
There can be no doubt the cart work is being blessed.